DMS For Engineering & Projects
Contego Project DMS manages all drawings, BIM models, tender bids, contracts, transmittals, schedules and final project documentation so that everyone from contractors to asset owner will benefit from the platform. Manage Information and flows for the entire project and further.
Contego Project Document Management System (DMS) is a cost effective and feature rich platform which allows for project wide collaboration on projects.
The system can be used to view any number of engineering drawings by different departments. The cad viewer works on mobile devices so that the people on site can see the information they need, when they need.
Project documentation is managed from pretender stage right through to post handover where the system functions equally impressive as an asset information management system where drawings can be linked to certification, OEM manuals and inspection routines.
Contego Project DMS links with other modules of the contego suite to allow on site nonconformances to entered against part numbers from the CAD drawings so when the followup request is emailed to the respective party, there is no confusion to which item is being referred to.
Contego is a cost effective solution that will improve your organisation’s efficiency through being better organised when it comes to managing projects.